PEJ applied for a permit for preparatory works to enable the nuclear power plant construction
- We have divided the preparatory works into several stages, thus minimizing the potential nuisance associated with such activities. We have in mind especially the local communities of Choczewo and neighboring communes,” said PEJ President Leszek Juchniewicz.
The Company’s application concerns preparatory works, that is, among other things, surveying works, or fencing the preparatory works area.
Preparatory works are to be carried out on an area of about 300 hectares in two phases, first on about 45 percent of the site. One of the necessary actions at the site of the future power plant will be the removal of vegetation preceded by mitigation measures – including metaplantation, installation of bird and bat boxes. These activities have been planned in accordance with the conditions set forth in the EIA decision for the nuclear power plant.
Along with the application for a permit for preparatory works, the Company has submitted a report on the project’s environmental impact reassessment for the first phase of the planned preparatory works. PEJ thus fulfilled the condition of the General Director for Environmental Protection’s environmental decision of 19 September 2023 for the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant in the Choczewo commune. The report, as an output of PEJ’s cooperation with Energopomiar Gliwice, a company specializing in comprehensive studies for energy projects, analyzed the impact of preparatory works on the environment. Similarly, separate reports on the project’s environmental impact reassessment will be developed for subsequent phases of work as part of the nuclear power plant construction.
Until the actual civil works begin, PEJ plans to obtain, among other things, a construction license (issued by the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA)) and a construction permit (issued by the Head of Pomorskie Voivodeship).
Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe sp. z o.o. is a company responsible, among other things, for the preparation of the investment process and acting as the investor in the project to build nuclear power plants with a total capacity of approximately 6 to 9 GWe based on safe, proven, large-scale generation III(+) pressurized water reactors (PWR), and potentially, their future operation. The Company also supports the government administration in activities aimed at the execution of the Polish Nuclear Power Program, and the performance of the agreement between the government of the Republic of Poland and the government of the United States of America on cooperation towards the development of a civil nuclear power program and the civil nuclear power sector in the Republic of Poland.
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