Site Investigation and Environmental Assessment

A selection of the appropriate site is one of the key conditions to provide a secure operation of the power plant and to limit to a minimum its impact on the lives of the neighbouring residents and the environment. Since 2017 Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe sp. z o.o. conducted the site investigation and environmental assessment which has determined in what way the NPP would affect the surrounding environment and human health (environmental assessment) and how the environmental conditions may affect the security of the power plant operation (site investigation). The analyses were conducted at two sites: “Lubiatowo-Kopalino” and “Żarnowiec”, situated in the Choczewo, Gniewino and Krokowa communes in the Pomerania province. The analyses served as the basis for the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Location Report (in preparation).

The objective of  environmental assessment was to determine the impact of the project on the environment at the stage of NPP preparation, construction, operation and decommissioning. The aim of the  site investigation is to obtain data to assess the area from the point of view of its suitability for the NPP siting, including a verification of factors that exclude the area based on nuclear safety requirements (existence of the so-called fatal flaw).

The work is performed by the Company in cooperation with the Technical Advisor.