About Project

Nuclear Power Programme

Shared responsibility for climate changes and concern about securing electricity supplies in the coming years are the main challenges currently faced by the power industry. Direction of the transformation of power sector is determined among others, by requirements of the European Union. It is imperative to reduce the CO2 emissions and increase the share of renewable sources in the electricity generation. Considering very limited options available in Poland to generate electricity from renewable sources, in January 2009 the Council of Ministers decided to initiate the development of the Polish Nuclear Power Program. Preparation of the preliminary stage of the investment project, including site investigation and environmental assessment, for the selection of a preferred site of the power plant, was assigned to Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe sp. z o.o (PEJ sp. z o.o.). Due to the scale of the construction project of the first Polish nuclear power plant (NPP), PEJ has been supported by Jacobs Clean Energy Limited (formerly AMEC Nuclear UK Ltd.), one of the most experienced firms in the nuclear industry, taking the role of the Technical Advisor.